Saturday, May 5, 2012

How To: Blend in as a Russian Woman

How to Carry Random non-Purse Items

Using plastic bags to carry things
is a no-no. Plastic souvenir bags are
the worst to be to seen with.

Kind of like Victoria's Secret bags, Rive Gauche bags are used
for all purposes under the sun. I'm convinced that the
easiest, quickest way to blend in here is to carry one of
these bags. The store itself sells make-up, soaps, and hair

How to Walk the City

A Russian woman in sneakers?
Are you kidding?
What are they, animals?!

Russian women have a superpower of
being able to walk on ice in stilettos,
but they wear heels year-round and
the higher, the better

How to Pack for Classes

Russian women do not carry backpacks. For that matter,
few Russian guys do either. 


Where do Russian female students keep
notebooks, textbooks, print-outs, essays,
etc.? Do they ever bring laptops with them
anywhere? These are all mysteries to me.

How to Dress for Classes

Typical American college girl attire. 

(Approximation of a) Typical Russian college
girl attire. Hair will be perfect, makeup will
be flawless, heels will be high, skirts will be
short, and sweaters will be low-cut.

How to Wear the Basics

A Russian woman in a T-Shirt? Do they
even MAKE t-shirts in Russia?

I don't know what these t-shirts are you speak of,
but it's spring, we can wear skirts now!
Russian skirts/dresses=just barely covering
your lady bits.

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