Sunday, February 5, 2012

Random thoughts

  • Remember that Disney movie "Jumping Ship"? You know, the one with the Lawrence brothers? You know, it came out in 2001? No one? Well, I do. And it was airing on TV today in Russia for some reason. To be honest, I really wanted to watch it!

  • American export I've never actually seen in America #1: Carl's Jr.
    American export I've never actually seen in America #2: Baskin Robbins

  • Russians do NOT like making change. It was confusing at first when I handed the cashier at the phone store a bill and he objected, stating a number smaller than the bill's amount. As I left the store and looked at the pile of 1 ruble coins in my hand, I realized he was running out of change. But even the cashiers that have change don't like making it.

  • I would kill for a glass of water. It doesn't even need to be that cold, just make it water. I've already had more tea in 3 days than I've had in my entire life leading up to this trip. But since the water here is unsafe to drink, Russians boil their water before using it. Also, they don't like eating or drinking cold things before going out into the cold. I'd hate (but also love) to see how my host mother would react if I ate ice cream before going for a walk.

  • Yes, Russians wear a lot of fur. But I keep wondering how warm those famous fur hats can be when they don't even cover the ears. It's windy and really freaking cold here so trust me, you must cover your ears.

  • I think my Slavic ethnicity is coming in handy. While I'm eating a LOT of food, it's all very good and so far agreeing with my stomach. I didn't think I'd like Borscht, but it's pretty good. The two types of kasha I've had aren't bad either, although there are apparently several more types I'm going to be fed this week. It's really cold, around 0-15 degrees Fahrenheit during the few hours of sunlight, but I still rather deal with this weather than somewhere on the opposite end of the spectrum. I wouldn't survive a summer in South America or Italy or whatever. You can always put on more layers, but it's near impossible to cool down when your environment is a sauna. That being said, it's still scary cold out here and I can't wait until the weather turns.


  1. Ah,maybe you understand your Grandmother Plavko more now. She always wants you to eat more, to "fatten you up". She also has an aversion to ice cubes, cold drinks and ice cream, especially in the winter. Maybe her Russian/Russyn heritage coming out! Back home, Pickles the koshka misses you, as do mom and dad. As for the cold temps back there, Gospodi pomiloe on you, until the warmth of spring. Stay warm, good to hear from you. Love, Dad

  2. Ah, so this is mom and dad? I couldn't tell if was Kathy the mother or Kathy the aunt at first!
